Just thought I'd send some of my holiday cheer your way.

My tree.

I've got gifts...I never have gifts to put under there.

An oldie, but a goodie.

Trusty Rusty...Thanks, Tia....Made with love at the Iowa State Fair.

Thanks, Granny.

I have to imagine, since I won't be getting any here.

Thanks, Mom.

Counting down the days.

My mantle, thanks Princess House...love me some Ruby Fantasia.

Thanks, Aunt Jamie...from Germany.

My bags.

A (partial) decade of cool. Thanks, Mom.

pretty cool meter. you are so creative. love peah!
Your decoration display was wonderful...and your house was so neat, organized and clean! What happened...just kidding! Love you...Tia
I'm with Tia....looked nice....couldn't believe the cleanness! Haha! Love the decorations! See you soon!
proud of dad
Wow, where have I been? I am just now seeing this CLEAN AND DECORATED house???? Wow, looks great! See what happens when a reminder isn't sent to me to check your blog?
Love ya!
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