Friday, May 22, 2009

1st grade conversations.

Conversation in my classroom today.

Twin 1: My dad is going to school.
Me: Oh, he is, that’s great!
Twin 1: Nah, it’s cuz he was drunk.
Me: Oh. Well, maybe you shouldn’t talk about that at school.
Twin 2: Yeah, he gets drunk and he gets mad. He had a knife. He cut off my brother’s fingers. Just one, but they put it back on. It was our older brother.
Me: Well, I’m glad they put it back on.
Twin 1: Yeah, he was really mad at our brother.
Me: Did the police come to your house?
Twin 2: There were 3 police cars and they took our dad. He had to go to jail. It’s cuz he was drunk.
Twin 1: He’s home again.
Me: Alright, back to American Symbols…

After school, mom comes to pick up the boys.

Me: I just wanted to let you know that the boys were talking about some family problems in class today.
Mom: What’d they say?

I repeated most of the above.

Mom: Yeah, it’s true. Thanks.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

ohhhh my....never a dull moment!